Monday, January 21, 2013

Workout of the Day


Warm Up/ Skills: 

2 Rounds 

10 Jumping Jacks
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Lunges each leg
200 Meter Run





If you have a jump-rope available do this workout:

Do 5 Rounds

25 jump ropes ( every time the rop goes under your feet = 1)

10 V - Ups  - Lie flat on the ground hands stretched above your head. Bend at the hips and lift your legs and arms at the same time to touch your toes.

10 Burpees

10 Push Ups

25 Squats

No Jump-rope, no worries! Do the workout below:

Do 5 Rounds

15 Tuck jumps- Jump as high as you can bringing your knees to your chest)

10 V - Ups  - Lie flat on the ground hands stretched above your head. Bend at the hips and lift your legs and arms at the same time to touch your toes.

10 Burpees - You should be familiar with these, if not look at old workout with video

10 Push Ups - No girlie push ups, if you do them one at a time and rest in between that is fine. Just get use to doing real push ups, no knees!

25 Squats - Get Low!

Make sure you time yourselves & put it in the comments!

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