Monday, January 21, 2013

Demand More From Yourself, Be the Best You Can Be!

10 Ways to be an Awesome Teenager

1.) Ask questions - Be inquisitive. Be hungry for knowledge and constantly look for new things to learn.

2.) Respect your parents - Your parents love and care for you (I hope). Show them the same love and respect back, even when you disagree with them or don't get your way.

3.) Show interest in others - Ask others how they are doing. Take the time to get to know people and discover the true person they are behind the scenes.

4.) Be yourself - Don't try to impress others and be someone you are not. Be yourself and act around others how you act around close family and friends.

5.) Make friends with everyone - Regardless of whether you share the same common interests, come from the same race, town, school, or sports team - introduce yourself and be friends with everyone.

6.) Make others feel important - Don't be afraid to give compliments to others. More importantly, listen carefully to what others have to say and show them by your body language, words and actions that you value what they have to say.

7.)  Be unselfish - Always think of others before serving yourself. Don't always do what is best for you, but think how your decision will affect those around you.

8.) Don't stay up all night - Get a good night's sleep.  That means go to bad early and get at least 7 hours or more of sleep each night.

9.) Take on new challenges - From time to time, do things you are not comfortable doing, yet will help you become a better, more well-rounded person. If speaking in front a large group is not your thing, sign up for a public speaking course or practice speaking to a large crowd.

10.) Lead by making good decisions - Actions speak louder than words and the decisions you make will not only affect your own life and future, but will affect those around you as well. Decisions can be very difficult to make at times, but always look to do the right thing.
Bonus Track:

Be awesome by sharing this post with a friend and encourage and inspire others to be awesome as well. Awesomeness can be contagious!

Here is a great resource: Steve's Club