Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mediocre, Not in this House!

There’s no penalty for being mediocre. You can easily spend the rest of your life putting in decent effort, with decent results, at the gym, at work, at home, and AT PRACTICE!

Many people make concentrated efforts to be “normal” — and who are we to throw rocks at them? They just want to fit in, not be picked on, be left to live in peace in society. They want to belong … and be left alone.

But that’s not you, is it? I hope not. I hope you’ve seen a glimpse of how glorious life is on the edge, in the clouds, beyond the pale of the mediocre. I hope you know the thrill of doing one thing — anything — with such grace and beauty that it takes your own breath away to even think about it. That it makes your heart beat faster. That it makes your eyes wet and a big grin spread like warm sunshine across your face. I don’t care if that feeling came at work, at the gym, at home, with your child, your mother, or on your couch. It doesn’t matter if you felt it on a wooden platform with a crisp, shiny barbell in your hand, at the finish line of a 100 meter sprint in the dirty alley of an industrial park at an hour when most people are just rising, or if it happened alone, late at night, with just you and a glowing screen and some words that, strung together, gave you hope somehow that you were meant for something special and there is actually a reason that you are here, now, in this insane, confusing world.

All I care is that you felt something, sometime, someplace, somewhere that let you see beyond the world of what is, and into the world of what could be.
You see, like Nancy Slonim Aronie once wrote: “Great work comes after good work which comes after lousy work which comes after no work.”

I need you to work at something that thrills your heart, at some point in your day, as full as it is of schedules, and hours, and obligations and children and family and places like the grocery store.
If softball is that something then great! That's wonderful, if not then that is perfectly fine too. Just find that something and work for it!

 Read the rest of this inspiring article here


  1. i agree and it is that something for me!!!
    Madi H.
    geuss what i did i was biking down a hill with my sister when my bike did something wierd and i went flying off my bike and skidded down the rode. i have a nasty cut on my arm and some cuts on my side, fingers, knuckles and legs and feet. i also have bruised knees and in the end i walked right back up the hill and said,'Dad I have a problem!!!' true story

    1. Haha!!!!! Ah you poor thing! Well at least you got up and went back up the hill. Great story!
