Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Homework - Are You Up for the Challenge?

Hi girls, hope everyone is having a great start to their week! I have an interesting homework assignment for you. It is actually two parts. Part one is sort of a scavenger hunt for you and your parents ( very easy!) . The second part is a list of 10 things you have to complete before the weekend.

Part 1: 

Find a long piece of PVC Pipe or a broomstick. Make sure your pvc pipe is long enough that with the widest grip you can get over head is possible.

 PVC TRAINING BARS – This is a simple yet effective training tool to use for warm-ups as well as scaled down workouts and instruction.Your friendly hardware store should have this available.

Sizing: around 1 inch diameter and 60'' long.

If you really want to get tricky buy end caps for your pvc pipe, later on you will be able to add weight in the pvc pipe and cap it off. (This is optional)

Remember if you don't have pvc available you can always use a broomstick.

*We will use this in future workouts

Part 2:

Complete Each Item at Least Once this Week:

1. Hit off a Tee, yes a Tee! 

Remember what you have worked on with your coaches and what you need to work on. Keep your back shoulder up, keep the knob in front of the bat - no casting your bat out and around. Use those powerful hips!!!

2.  Play catch with a friend, sibling, or parent

Work on using your stop signs and bringing your glove straight to your shoulder after you catch it. This should happen as fast as you can! Remember to take your time and do it right. Don't rush through it and try to throw as hard as you can. This is about doing it right not taking someones arm off.

3. Complete 150 air Squats for time

Exactly how it sounds. Complete 150 air squats as fast as you can. Time yourself and post your time in comments. Remember but stays back and down and your butt should be below you knee at the bottom of your squat.

4. Work on Your Leads

Prentend your on first base, have a parent, friend, or sibling do the pitching motion. Practice your take off. Remember to leave at 12' O Clock. You should take 3 steps and get back. Now pretend your on second and take 5 steps. Do at least 10 rounds for each base.

5. Find a video or drill on the Internet that you would like to share with the team

Is there a special or inspirational video you would like to share with your team mates? Maybe a drill you really want to try? Put the url of where you found it and say what it is in the comments.

6. Do this mini workout

25 Push Ups
50 Sit Ups
100 Jumping Jacks
50 Toe Touches
25 Leg Lifts

7. Work on Your Position

Catchers: 30 drop and blocks for time
Pitchers: Work on your rotations - up close and just spin the ball
Third Base: Pretend your fielding a bunt. Work on sprinting in and fielding - Visualize this you don't need a ball
First: Work on foot work when getting back to the bag. Just like we worked on in practice.
Middle infield: Have someone roll you a ball and work on your approach up to the ball while fielding. Dont forget the top hand.
Outfield: Have someone throw long with you. Stretch out those arms and work on throwing down hill

8. Do this Mini Workout

4 Rounds of : 
10 Sit Ups
10 Push Ups
10 Squats
10 Sprints (20 yards)

9. Run 20 Sprints (15 yards)

10. Write down how you feel about this week in your journal.

-Write down what workouts you completed, how you felt, how long it took you. Whatever you would like just write something down. 


  1. This is Teira, I did my air squats in 7 minutes 42 second. My legs hurt and they're shaky.

  2. Teira says "I did mini workout #6, it was hard."
